Man, unlike animals, moves on two legs with a straight back. In this regard, the main center of gravity is shifted in such a way that the greatest load goes to the lumbar spine. Additional factors that increase the load are obesity, weight lifting and flat feet. At the same time, the fibrous ring of the intervertebral discs becomes thinner over time, leading to the formation of protrusions and hernias. The vertebrae themselves acquire an irregular shape due to the formation of growths (osteophytes). It is this process that sooner or later leads to the development of lumbar osteochondrosis.
Symptoms and methods of diagnosis
To understand how to cure lumbar osteochondrosis, it is necessary to understand all the causes of its occurrence and determine the degree of damage to surrounding tissues. The diagnosis of the disease is based on examination, collection of anamnesis for the clinical picture (manifestations and symptoms) and instrumental methods.
The clinical picture of lumbar osteochondrosis consists of the following symptoms:
- the appearance of pain in the lumbar region, legs and buttocks on the side of the lesion;
- sensory disturbances (anesthesia, paresthesia);
- reduced motor activity of the lower extremities;
- participation in the process of pelvic organ dysfunction (urinary incontinence, impotence).
Symptoms usually increase gradually as the pathological changes progress. Based on these manifestations, the doctor may suspect only lumbar osteochondrosis. It is possible to make a definitive diagnosis only after examination and several tests.
During the examination, a competent specialist will definitely check the presence of a number of characteristic reflexes:
- Lages reflex, in which the doctor raises the patient's upright leg and the pain intensifies. After bending the limb in the knee joint, the pain immediately disappears.
- Bechterew's reflex consists in the appearance of pain when pressing the upright knees to a flat surface.
Instrumental methods allow obtaining additional information about the condition of the spinal cord and nerve tissue of the roots located in close proximity to the spinal lesion. X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging, and sometimes computed tomography, are usually performed.
After establishing the fact of the disease, it is necessary to decide how to treat lumbar osteochondrosis. To do this, there are a number of options, ranging from taking pills and completing surgery. In some cases, reflexology and massage help.
Medical treatment
Drug treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis is aimed at eliminating its manifestations. To reduce the severity of pain and reduce inflammation, use:
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. By reducing inflammation and blocking pain receptors when taking these drugs, the pain associated with nerve root irritation is reduced. These drugs can be used in various dosage forms (injections, tablets, ointments and gels).
- Glucocorticosteroid hormones are used when painkillers are ineffective. Their action is stronger by reducing the swelling of the nervous tissue and therefore reduce the irritating effect of bone growths on the roots. However, due to possible systemic effects and side effects, their long-term use is not recommended.
To protect the cartilage tissue from further destruction, drugs for the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis necessarily include chondroprotectors. And despite the fact that their effectiveness has not yet been proven, this group of drugs is widely used to treat this condition.
Sedatives for lumbar osteochondrosis are prescribed to reduce the symptoms of mental disorders (depression, neurosis) that often accompany this disease. They help the patient cope with the pain. Antidepressants are used in severe mood swings.
In addition, it is necessary to use vitamin preparations for lumbar osteochondrosis, as they help reduce the negative effect on the spinal cord and its roots. B and C drugs are usually prescribed because they protect the nerve tissue the most.
Physiotherapeutic procedures
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine outside the periods of exacerbation should be supplemented by effective physiotherapy procedures. Different effects on the reflexogenic points responsible for the blood supply and nutrition of the affected area are most often used. These areas can be affected by:
- magnetic therapy;
- acupuncture;
- electroacupuncture;
- cauterization with cold or heat;
- administration or administration of drugs (pharmacopuncture).
With pharmacopuncture, by directly injecting the solution into the affected area, it is possible to significantly reduce the concentration of the drug and thus eliminate most of the unwanted side effects. The use of these additional methods may increase the effectiveness of drug treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis.
Manual therapy

Manual therapy or massage must include the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis in the complex.
The doctor can set a number of tasks that vary depending on the individual patient:
- relax tense back muscles by stroking and vibrating;
- improving blood circulation in the lumbar region;
- strengthening the muscular frame due to deep kneading;
- replace the displaced vertebra.
The individual approach allows you to develop an optimal strategy and determine how to treat lumbar osteochondrosis with maximum effectiveness.
Sometimes it happens that the patient can not see a doctor in the near future and begins to ask friends how to treat lumbar osteochondrosis. In this case, the safest is to use a gymnastic complex, which is specially designed to strengthen the lower back.
It should be remembered that during periods of exacerbation you can not perform any load other than breathing exercises and relaxation. In the future, you can include other exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and back (push-ups, leg swings, etc. ). At the same time, it is important not to make sudden movements with a large amplitude, as fragile vertebrae can simply move. In this regard, it is highly desirable to start training with a doctor-instructor and then continue alone at home.
Folk remedies for lumbar osteochondrosis should be used in addition to the main treatment, but not instead. Due to the fact that any intervention can harm the patient, it is necessary to first coordinate all your actions and the use of alternative methods with your doctor.
Usually different plant products are used for this:
- To prepare a locally irritating ointment that will improve the blood supply to the affected area, you will need five fruits of paprika and 100 ml of kerosene and vegetable oil. After receiving the infusion it is necessary to lubricate the painful areas at night. A dry wool compress is placed on top.
- The oil and the hop cones are mixed in equal amounts. The resulting ointment is applied to the lumbar region if necessary.
- After each meal you should take a decoction of arnica, walnuts and a healing leaf one tablespoon.
Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis with folk remedies can be effective in the early stages of the process. Therefore, it is necessary to start therapy immediately after the onset of symptoms.
Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment of lumbosacral osteochondrosis is performed quite rarely and only in the absence of significant effects of other methods within six months. Other indications for surgery include cauda equina syndrome passing through the spinal canal in this area and acute nerve root compression.
The most common type of surgery is the removal of a damaged disc (discectomy). During the operation, the doctor removes the obstructing parts of the vertebrae and discs and, if possible, fixes the spine in the correct position.
This operation is considered the most productive method in this case, but at the same time it is prescribed only if other methods of treatment do not give results within six months. In addition, the method of microsurgical and endoscopic treatment of the spine is widespread.
As interference with the structure of the spine can lead to very serious consequences (paresis, complete paralysis), the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis should be performed only in a proven neurosurgical clinic.
How to treat exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis
Treatment of exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis, as a rule, medication. However, medical intervention is needed to eliminate the severe symptoms. To eliminate the acute pain, you can perform the so-called blockade. To do this, use an anesthetic that is injected with a special needle directly into the affected area.
Muscle relaxants are used to relax the spasmodic muscles of the back during the exacerbation of the disease. These drugs block neuromuscular conduction and help relax muscles and eliminate "blockage".
If the patient is experiencing severe pain, then it is necessary to inject an anesthetic into a vein or muscle. Sometimes this is enough to alleviate the condition.
Disease prevention
So as not to wonder how to cure lumbar osteochondrosis, the best option is to prevent this disease. Basic rules to help with this include:
- do not be forced for more than half an hour, try to warm up and, if possible, change your position;
- do not lift heavy objects and when training in the gym, coordinate all loads with the instructor;
- do not lie on a crib or in a hammock, it is better to sleep and rest on a firm bed to prevent deviation and displacement of the vertebrae;
- wear comfortable shoes with low heels (less than 4 cm);
- avoid gaining weight;
- replace the bag with a backpack so that the load is evenly distributed;
- swim in the pool or lakes to give rest to the lumbar region.
By following these simple recommendations, you may never think about how to get rid of lumbar osteochondrosis. If this disease is still developing, then you will need to consult a doctor in time. With the help of a complex therapeutic effect in most cases it is possible to eliminate the symptoms of this pathology and continue to lead a normal life.